Q: What is DiTaD?

A: DiTaD is an Integrative Network Pharmacology Database Combined with Chemoinformatics and Bioinformatics Tools.

Q: How is DiTaD different from other databases ?

A: There are four unique characteristics which make DiTaD different from any other databases: (1)MIA: More than 3,000 connections manually curated to map ICD (International Classification of Diseases) Disease Codes with ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical ) Drug Codes. (2)HerbNetPharm: the first network pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicines, containing a complete disease- Traditional Chinese Medicines collection (more than 1,500 connections) manually curated from the “Pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of China”.(3)VDDI and VTTD: the first network pharmacology visualization severs of drug-drug interactions and disease-target-drug interactions. (4)Based on the network pharmacology interaction data, the first genome-scale target-drug interaction server (PreDPI-Ki) is developed in DiTaD..

Q: Funcations provided by DiTaD?

A: DiTaD are composed of four functional modules.(1) MIA: Mapping ICD (International Classification of Diseases) Disease Codes with ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical ) Drug Codes. (2) HerbNetPharm: Network Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicines. (3) VNP (VTTD and VDDI): Visual Network Pharmacology. (4) PreDPI_ki: Genome-Scale Screening of Drug-Target Associations Relevant to Ki Using a Chemogenomics Approach.

Q: Resources for DiTaD?

A: Most DiTaD Records are manually curated by DiTaD team from Original Publications and WHO references. Links are provided for PDB, OMIM, TTD, DrugBank and PubChem.

DiTaD Hu Lab College of Pharmacy Wuhan University